The Police
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Burglary residential

We have conducted our wrap around investigations in the Southfield area, after reports of a burglary in the area.

OP GALLANT is part of these investigations and is where we knock on at least 5 doors either side of the property affected,

and one at least opposite looking for CCTV evidence or if residents saw something suspicious.

OP GALLANT  role is to offer a enhanced  service to the public and equally important to gain evidence to help apprehend offenders.

It covers any type of burglary or break in for example  houses, sheds outbuildings and any attempts connected .


On this occasion a house has been entered and keys stolen a vehicle has then been taken from the drive.

Please remain vigilant and report anything that looks suspicious.



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Message Sent By
Stephen Lynch
(Humberside Police, PCSO, Beverley NPT)

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